Semantic vector graphics.
List of icons#
We are still adding icons right now, syncing to antd.
import { NzIconModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd/icon';
Select the Icon Theme
Directional Icons
StepBackward StepForward FastBackward FastForward Shrink ArrowsAlt Down Up Left Right CaretUp CaretDown CaretLeft CaretRight UpCircle DownCircle LeftCircle RightCircle DoubleRight DoubleLeft VerticalLeft VerticalRight VerticalAlignTop VerticalAlignMiddle VerticalAlignBottom Forward Backward Rollback Enter Retweet Swap SwapLeft SwapRight ArrowUp ArrowDown ArrowLeft ArrowRight PlayCircle UpSquare DownSquare LeftSquare RightSquare Login Logout MenuFold MenuUnfold BorderBottom BorderHorizontal BorderInner BorderOuter BorderLeft BorderRight BorderTop BorderVerticle PicCenter PicLeft PicRight RadiusBottomleft RadiusBottomright RadiusUpleft RadiusUpright Fullscreen FullscreenExit
Suggested Icons
Question QuestionCircle Plus PlusCircle Pause PauseCircle Minus MinusCircle PlusSquare MinusSquare Info InfoCircle Exclamation ExclamationCircle Close CloseCircle CloseSquare Check CheckCircle CheckSquare ClockCircle Warning IssuesClose Stop
Editor Icons
Edit Form Copy Scissor Delete Snippets Diff Highlight AlignCenter AlignLeft AlignRight BgColors Bold Italic Underline Strikethrough Redo Undo ZoomIn ZoomOut FontColors FontSize LineHeight Dash SmallDash SortAscending SortDescending Drag OrderedList UnorderedList RadiusSetting ColumnWidth ColumnHeight
Data Icons
AreaChart PieChart BarChart DotChart LineChart RadarChart HeatMap Fall Rise Stock BoxPlot Fund Sliders
Brand and Logos
Android Apple Windows Linux Ie Chrome Github Aliwangwang Dingding Dingtalk WeiboSquare WeiboCircle Weibo Taobao TaobaoCircle Twitter Wechat Youtube AlipayCircle Skype Qq MediumWorkmark Gitlab Medium Linkedin GooglePlus Dropbox Facebook Html5 Java JavaScript Python Docker Kubernetes Ruby DotNet Codepen CodeSandbox Amazon Google CodepenCircle Alipay AntDesign AntCloud Aliyun Zhihu Slack SlackSquare Behance BehanceSquare Dribbble DribbbleSquare Instagram Yuque Alibaba Yahoo Reddit Discord Sketch Baidu Bilibili HarmonyOS OpenAI Pinterest Spotify TikTok Twitch WechatWork WhatsApp X
Application Icons
Aim Alert Api AppstoreAdd Apartment Audio AudioMuted Bank Barcode Bars Bell Block Border AccountBook Branches Bug Audit Calendar Calculator Camera Car Bulb Book CarryOut Ci CiCircle CloudDownload Cloud CloudServer CloudSync Code Cluster CloudUpload Compress Compass ConsoleSql Appstore Contacts Coffee Container Control CopyrightCircle Clear Build Database Dashboard DeleteRow DeliveredProcedure DeploymentUnit DeleteColumn Desktop Dislike Disconnect Comment DollarCircle Dollar BorderlessTable Ellipsis EuroCircle Environment Exception Euro CustomerService ExpandAlt Expand Export Experiment EyeInvisible Eye Download FieldBinary FieldNumber CreditCard FieldString FieldTime FileExcel FileExclamation FileAdd FileDone Crown FileMarkdown File FilePdf FileJpg FileGif FileSync FileProtect FileSearch FileUnknown FileWord FileText FileZip Filter Flag Fire FolderAdd FolderOpen Folder FilePpt FolderView Copyright Fork Function FundProjectionScreen FunnelPlot Gateway Gift Gif Frown Global Gold Group Hdd Heart Home FormatPainter Idcard Hourglass Holder FundView Inbox InsertRowLeft Import InsertRowAbove InsertRowRight Interaction Laptop Layout Insurance Line Like Loading Loading3Quarters Lock MacCommand Mail Link Man MedicineBox Meh - Message
Menu Key Mobile MoneyCollect Monitor Moon More NodeIndex NodeCollapse NodeExpand Merge Number MergeCells Notification PaperClip Partition Muted OneToOne PayCircle Percentage Picture PlaySquare PoundCircle Pound Poweroff Profile Printer Project Product Phone PropertySafety Pushpin Qrcode PullRequest Read Reconciliation RedEnvelope Reload Rest Robot Rocket RotateRight SafetyCertificate RotateLeft Save Scan SecurityScan Schedule Select Send Shake Setting Shop Shopping ShoppingCart Sisternode Skin Smile FileImage Solution SplitCells Signature Search Star Sound ShareAlt Sun Switcher Sync Table Tag Tablet Team Subnode Thunderbolt Tags Tool TrademarkCircle ToTop Translation Safety Truck Unlock Ungroup Trademark Upload Usb Trophy User UserDelete UsergroupAdd UsergroupDelete Verified VideoCamera VideoCameraAdd UserAdd History InsertRowBelow Wifi Woman UserSwitch Transaction Wallet
nz-icon, [nz-icon]#
Property | Description | Type | Default | Global Config |
[nzType] | Type of the ant design icon | string | - | |
[nzTheme] | Type of the ant design icon | 'fill'|'outline'|'twotone' | 'outline' | ✅ |
[nzSpin] | Rotate icon with animation | boolean | false | |
[nzTwotoneColor] | Only support the two-tone icon. Specific the primary color. | string (hex color) | - | ✅ |
[nzIconfont] | Type of the icon from iconfont | string | - | |
[nzRotate] | Rotate degrees | number | - |
Methods/Properties | Description | Parameters |
addIcon() | To import icons statically | IconDefinition |
addIconLiteral() | To statically import custom icons | string , string (SVG) |
fetchFromIconfont() | To get icon assets from fonticon | NzIconfontOption |
changeAssetsSource() | To change the location of your icon assets, so that you can deploy these icons wherever you want | string |
SVG icons#
We synced to Ant Design and replaced font icons with svg icons which bring benefits below:
- Complete offline usage of icon, no dependency of alipay cdn font icon file and no more empty square during downloading.
- Much more display accuracy in lower-level screens.
- Support multiple colors for icon.
- No need to change built-in icons with overriding styles by providing more props in component.
You can join in this discussion of Ant Design.
NG-ZORRO hadn't provided an icon component. Instead, icon based on font files was provided. We make this new directive compatible to old API. If you make no changes to your existing code, old icons would be dynamically loaded as outline
icons. But the best practice is always to use nz-icon
directive and specify the theme
<span nz-icon [nzType]="'star'" [nzTheme]="'fill'"></span>
All the icons will be rendered to <svg>
, and styles and classes applied to <i>
would work.
<span nz-icon [nzType]="'message'" style="font-size: 16px; color: #08c;"></span>
Static loading and dynamic loading#
As for icons provided by Ant Design, there are two ways of importing them into your project.
Static loading. By registering icons to AppModule
, you load icons statically.
import { IconDefinition } from '@ant-design/icons-angular';
import { NzIconModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd/icon';
// Import what you need. RECOMMENDED. ✔️
import { AccountBookFill, AlertFill, AlertOutline } from '@ant-design/icons-angular/icons';
const icons: IconDefinition[] = [AccountBookFill, AlertOutline, AlertFill];
// Import all. NOT RECOMMENDED. ❌
// import * as AllIcons from '@ant-design/icons-angular/icons';
// const antDesignIcons = AllIcons as {
// [key: string]: IconDefinition;
// };
// const icons: IconDefinition[] = Object.keys(antDesignIcons).map(key => antDesignIcons[key])
declarations: [AppComponent],
imports: [NzIconModule.forRoot(icons)],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}
For standalone mode, you can register icons in app.config.ts
with provideNzIcons
import { provideNzIcons } from 'ng-zorro-antd/icon';
export const appConfig = {
providers: [provideNzIcons(icons)]
Actually this calls addIcon
of NzIconService
. Icons imported would be bundled into your .js
files. Static loading would increase your bundle's size so we recommend use dynamic importing as much as you can.
Icons used by
itself are imported statically to increase loading speed. However, icons demonstrated on the official website are loaded dynamically.
Dynamic importing. This way would not increase your bundle's size. When NG-ZORRO detects that the icon you want to render hasn't been registered, it would fire a HTTP request to load it. All you have to do is to config your angular.json
like this:
"assets": [
"glob": "**/*",
"input": "./node_modules/@ant-design/icons-angular/src/inline-svg/",
"output": "/assets/"
You can call changeAssetsSource()
of NzIconService
to change the location of your icon assets, so that you can deploy these icon assets to cdn. The parameter you passed would be add in front of assets/
Let's assume that you deploy static assets under https://mycdn.somecdn.com/icons/assets
. You can call changeAssetsSource('https://mycdn.somecdn.com/icons')
to tell NG-ZORRO that all your resources are located there.
Please call this in component's constructor or AppInitService
Add Icons in Lazy-loaded Modules#
Sometimes, you want to import icons in lazy modules to avoid increasing the size of the main.js. You can use NzIconModule.forChild
import { NzIconModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd/icon';
imports: [CommonModule, NzIconModule.forChild([QuestionOutline])]
class ChildModule {}
When ChildModule
get loaded, the icon QuestionOutline would be usable across the application.
For standalone mode, you can import icons in providers
of the standalone component or router with provideNzIconsPatch
import { NzIconModule, provideNzIconsPatch } from 'ng-zorro-antd/icon';
// in xxx.component.ts
standalone: true,
imports: [NzIconModule],
providers: [provideNzIconsPatch([QuestionOutline])]
class ChildComponent {}
// or in xxx.routes.ts
const routes: Routes = [{
path: '',
providers: [provideNzIconsPatch([QuestionOutline])],
Set Default TwoTone Color#
When using the two-tone icons, you provide a global configuration like { nzIcon: { nzTwotoneColor: 'xxx' } }
via NzConfigService
or call corresponding set
method to change to default twotone color.
Custom Font Icon#
We added a fetchFromIconfont
method function to help developer using their own icons deployed at iconfont.cn in a convenient way.
This method is specified for iconfont.cn.
scriptUrl: 'https://at.alicdn.com/t/font_8d5l8fzk5b87iudi.js'
<span nz-icon [nzIconfont]="'icon-tuichu'"></span>
It creates a component that uses SVG sprites in essence.
The following option are available:
Property | Description | Type | Default |
scriptUrl | The URL generated by iconfont.cn project. | string | - |
The property scriptUrl should be set to import the svg sprite symbols.
See iconfont.cn documents to learn about how to generate scriptUrl.
We introduced namespace so you could add your own icons in a convenient way. When you want to render an icon, you could assign type
. Dynamic importing and static importing are both supported.
Static importing. Invoke addIconLiteral
of NzIconService
Dynamic importing. Make sure that you have put your SVG resources in dir like assets/${namespace}
. For example, if you have a panda
icon and in zoo
namespace, you should put panda.svg
in assets/zoo
All my icons are gone!#
Have you read the docs above?
There are two similar icons in a <span></span>
tag. What happened?#
In older versions of NG-ZORRO, there was a font file which would use :before
to insert a icon according to a i
tag's className
. So if you have two icons, try to remove node_modules
and reinstall. If the problem is still there, search @icon-url
and remove that line.
I want to import all icons statically. What should I do?#
Although this is not recommended usage, actually we demonstrate it here Static loading and dynamic loading:
import * as AllIcons from '@ant-design/icons-angular/icons';
const antDesignIcons = AllIcons as {
[key: string]: IconDefinition;
const icons: IconDefinition[] = Object.keys(antDesignIcons).map(key => antDesignIcons[key])
Does dynamic loading affect web pages' performance?#
We used several methods to reduce requests, like static cache, dynamic cache and reusable request. It's basically not noticeable for visitors that icons are loaded asynchronously assuming web connections are fairly good.
How do I know a icon's corresponding module to import?#
Capital camel-case type & theme
, i.e. alibaba
=> AlibabaOutline