
A breadcrumb displays the current location within a hierarchy. It allows going back to states higher up in the hierarchy.

When To Use#

  • When the system has more than two layers in a hierarchy.
  • When you need to inform the user of where they are.
  • When the user may need to navigate back to a higher level.
  • When the application has multi-layer architecture.
import { NzBreadCrumbModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd/breadcrumb';


Home / Application List / An Application /

The simplest use

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Home / Breadcrumb /

Used together with RouterLink.

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Home > Application List > An Application >


HomeApplication ListAn Application

The separator can be customized by setting the separator property: nzSeparator

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Location:Application Center/Application List/An Application

The separator can be customized by using the component nz-breadcrumb-separator.

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/ Application List / Application /

The icon should be placed in front of the text.

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Auto generate breadcrumbs using

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Ant Design / Component / An Application / Button /

Breadcrumbs support drop down menu.

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[nzSeparator]Custom separatorstring | TemplateRef<void> | null'/'
[nzAutoGenerate]Auto generate breadcrumbbooleanfalse
[nzRouteLabel]Name of property that determines displayed text in routing config. It should be used when nzAutoGenerate is truestring'breadcrumb'
[nzRouteLabelFn]Format breadcrumb item label text, normally used in international app to translate i18n key. It should be used when nzAutoGenerate is true(label:string) => stringlabel => label
[nzRouteFn]Format breadcrumb item route, normally used in international app to bind current params or query strings to avoid losing them while navigate using breadcrumb. It should be used when nzAutoGenerate is true(route:string) => routeroute => route

Using [nzAutoGenerate] by configuring data like this:

  path: '/path',
  component: SomeComponent,
  data: {
    breadcrumb: 'Display Name'

For lazy loading modules, you should write data in parent module like this:

  path: 'first',
  loadChildren: () => import('./first/first.module').then(m => m.FirstModule),
  data: {
    breadcrumb: 'First'

Use nzRouteLabel to custom data breadcrumb label:

<nz-breadcrumb [nzAutoGenerate]="true" [nzRouteLabel]="'customBreadcrumb'"></nz-breadcrumb>
  path: 'path',
  component: SomeComponent,
  data: {
    customBreadcrumb: 'Display Name'

Use nzRouteLabelFn to format breadcrumb label in international application:

<nz-breadcrumb [nzAutoGenerate]="true" [nzRouteLabel]="'breadcrumbI18nKey'" [nzRouteLabelFn]="translateFn"></nz-breadcrumb>
// In Route
  path: 'path',
  component: SomeComponent,
  data: {
    breadcrumbI18nKey: ''

// In component
translateFn = (key:string) => this.yourI18nService.translate(key);

Use nzRouteFn to format or bind params and query strings to the route it self in international application:

<nz-breadcrumb [nzAutoGenerate]="true" [nzRouteLabel]="'breadcrumbI18nKey'" [nzRouteLabelFn]="translateFn" [nzRouteFn]="customRoute"></nz-breadcrumb>
// In component

bindCurrentParams(params, route) {
  let newRoute = route;
  for (const key in params) {
    if (params.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
      newRoute += `;${key}=${params[key]}`;
  return newRoute;

const params = this.activatedRoute.snapshot.params;

customRoute = (route:string) => this.bindCurrentParams(params,route);